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Make an enquiryMaximum Benefits for Employer & Employee: Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV
Give Yourself a Pay Rise– Take Advantage of Financial Benefits for Company Car Drivers with the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV

Company car drivers using the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV for business can look forward to an increase in their pay packet equal to an average of over £4,000 every year.
Compared to other SUV’s, the Outlander PHEV offers significant advantages for Benefit in Kind and Fuel Card Tax Ratings.
Simular sized SUVs typically have Benefit in Kind and fuel card tax rates of 25%. For an Outlander PHEV, they are 5%.
Low Emissions, Low Company Car Tax
Thanks to the Outlander PHEV’s Intelligent Technology it is able to achieve ultra–low emissions of just 44g/km, so it qualifies for a reduced rate of BIK (benefit–in–kind) taxation.
A Fraction of the Cost
The PHEV’s ultra–low emissions of only 44 g/km means that company car drivers choosing the Outlander PHEV will pay just 5% tax as BIK compared to the 25% or more that most business users will pay.
Not only will Outlander PHEV company car drivers be receiving a boost to their pay cheque but they’ll be benefiting from a staggering 148 mpg, exemption from Road Tax and if they’re making a commute of less than 30 miles they’ll be able to make their journey to and from work for just pennies.
Financial Benefits for Companies
If you’re looking to upgrade or even implement a fleet of company cars then the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV has the potential to save your business thousands of pounds a year.
100% Capital Allowance
Because of its outstanding emission levels, a company purchasing an Outlander PHEV is able to write down 100% of the cost of the car against its profits chargeable for Corporation Tax in year one.
This is compared to a traditional company vehicle where a maximum of 18% per annum of the cost is allowable to write down against the profits chargeable for Corporation Tax. This is reduced to only 8% on vehicles with a CO2 level exceeding 130g/km.
This means that any business with even a small fleet of cars could save tens of thousands of pounds in Corporation Tax in the first year after purchase.
Reduced National Insurance Contribution
Not only will your business save money on Corporation Tax but there will also be a reduction in its associated Class 1a National Insurance Contributions.

To find out more about the money you could save Take Advantage of Our Expertise Today Call: 028 90 30 9000 or Email: