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Make an enquirySMEs should ‘urgently consider’ switch to lower emission vehicles
SMEs should urgently consider a switch to low emission cars as the threat of extra charges for business drivers of diesels loom.
It is estimated that hundreds of small businesses in the UK could soon face hefty penalties by allowing staff to drive vehicles that contribute to air pollution in major UK cities.
The warning comes as the Supreme Court opened the way for extra taxes on small businesses with a ruling that orders the UK government to take immediate action to combat air pollution. Anti–pollution lawyers ClientEarth sparked the threat by bringing a case against the government when the UK failed to stay within EU limits for Nitrogen Oxide pollution.
This is a great opportunity for employees to move out of their gas–guzzling older cars and into new, more efficient vehicles.

Cutting Costs, Fuel Economy and Low Emission Vehicles are fast becoming increasingly important for Individuals and Businesses, with the race now on to lower pollution in major cities such as London, Birmingham and Leeds. Northern Ireland is currently bidding to secure funding to promote electric vehicles– The Go Ultra Low Cities scheme is an opportunity for cities to cultivate a reputation for their uptake of ultra low emission vehicles (ULEV). The £35 million fund is being made available for up to four cities or regions to increase the uptake of ULEV’s, improve air quality and show that they are an exemplar region for innovation in electric vehicle usage, meaning business drivers could be key part of the solution.
Northern Ireland’s bid
Northern Ireland has been successful in the screening phase of the scheme with a regional bid entitled ‘EVangel’. The final bid is due in August 2015 and partners in the public, private, voluntary and community sectors are now needed to work together to secure the funding.
The Northern Ireland bid proposal will include the creation of a number of incentives to encourage the uptake of electric vehicles, such as a diesel scrappage scheme and electric car clubs.
A major marketing and communications campaign will also be proposed as well as other low carbon policy ideas.

Increasing the number of lower emission vehicles on the road is essential to decreasing air pollution levels. Diesel cars are a prime offender in Nitrogen Oxide pollution and could leave SMEs who allow their staff to drive diesel vehicles for work purposes subject to increased taxes and higher congestion charges.

Switching to a lower emission vehicle such as the Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi Outlander Hybrid, or a fully electric vehicle can offer significant financial and environmental benefits.
Pictured: Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Executive Edition , BMW i8
Give Yourself a Pay rise by opting for Low Emission, Hybrid & Fully Electric Vehicles all available at Traction Finance. Tell our Fleet Experts your Personal or Business Requirements and we will tailor a package to suit your needs.
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